2020, in Books!

One would assume that in an year like 2020, when I spent my entire time at home, I should've read more and beat my goal by twice at least. Well, not really, coz in this bizarre year, I discovered Korean dramas and dedicated chunks of time to watching and rewatching some dramas. (Jump to the end to see how I approached Korean dramas 😃 ) Book-wise, 2020 has been a good year . Books that I read in 2020 that will stay with me forever, in the order I read them this year are - Normal People by Sally Rooney - I loved this book for many reasons, but the easiest one of all is - I am in love with Rooney's prose, so much that I read this book in one long sitting over one evening. The Siege by Helen Dunmore - I picked up this book because it was recommended to be a book that would make me feel colder in the winter months. And the book delivered! More than the feeling of cold, I became aware of how St. Petersburg laid under a siege during the winter months, and more awareness of how peo...