
Showing posts from January, 2024

2023, in books

Time for me to sit down and review my books from 2023 - like many others, I also read for pleasure and leisure. But I spend at least an hour every day reading, so I'd rather this activity gives me some exposure to the real world, which means I gotta be conscious about it. At the beginning of every year, I set a goal for the no. of books I want to read - I set my goal to a modest number (modest, to me 😊) coz I love to see that I've exceeded the goal - some small pleasure I derive from this 😊. I also take stock of all my unread physical books, the books on hold from the library and those that are languishing in my Kindles - the idea is to bring logical closure to all these books - either read them or move on to the next read. This also helps me assess if am being smart about the book choices, ensuring that I read those from my chosen genres or am I picking too many easy reads - easy reads are always good to break the monotony, but I don't want to read too many easy ones in ...