2017, in Books

Show-off/Super-glad time of the year - Turns out I've read 104 books in 2017 , with an average page length per book of 273 pages. :) This year, I've written down a post on my reading style, and answered a few questions I've asked myself and people have asked me, about books. Here are some of my best reads in this year. [ The link in the title of the book will lead you to the book in Goodreads. Where applicable, I've included the link to my 'review' of the book. Click on the second link, if you care for it. :) ] 1. What makes you not a Buddhist - This book was my first book in the year, and stayed on to be one of the best I read. Pick up this book if you've ever been interested in Buddhism. 2. Falling off the map - Discovering Pico Iyer was one of the good things that has happened to me in 2017. Long after I finished reading this book , I found myself thinking about his experiences in trying to fall off the map, and I started digging ...