Write, I will...

Many, many years ago, a few of us bloggers started writing to each other, had become friends, and had discovered a common love for talking in rhymes. Well, if you can call it that.
There were a bunch of haikus, two-liners, rhymes to convey everyday message that were exchanged. We thought they were too good to be lost over mail, and then, one of us created a blog for us to share it all on that blog. We did that for a while, a good while also, I think.
And then, one of us got bored and deleted that blog. This was in 2009.
I think I loved the idea of me writing anything creative, and so held on to this idea, and dug through my old emails and retrieved some of those, which I posted on a blog. Only last week, when Blogger threw a customary email at me to renew some subscriptions, I noticed that I still have the blog, maybe still shared with those blogger-friends (this, I haven't checked, yet).

The below poem was what I wrote, back in 2013, to revive the love for pottery (yeah, we called it that, kinda juvenile, now I feel :) ) in us all.
Reposting it on this blog, so I can look at it whenever I can, and tell myself I could still pursue something in creative writing (yeah, right!)

The screen burned empty and bright
Almost as if it was looking at me in spite...
And even though I tried with all my might...
No words came into my head that I could write...

A journey I took today after five years...
To the venue where it all began in high gears...
Words that sounded like music to our ears
flowed upon those pages amidst our cheers...
Reading those words brought some tears..
and wishes of rewinding back those years..

I miss those words that we wrote in glee...
How could you destroy them so easily V?
Wish I could bring back those words from the debris...
And I wouldn't feel like I lost myself in the north sea...

After this, I am sure my friends will ask if we will continue...
And will I be attached to this blog by my sinew...
To which I reply like I always will...
Its not just a matter of talent and skill...
But spontaneity brings with it a dollop of thrill...
And if my adventures bring me here, write I will...
write I will... write I will...

Sidenote - Every time I tell anything that was from a long time ago, and I use the words 'many years ago' or 'a decade ago' or 'long back' (all of which I love saying, btw), I feel the passage of time. I can't imagine that it has been almost a decade that I haven't blogged passionately. Or at least 12 years ago that I met a few bloggers, at least a few of whom are still dear friends. Everyone I know, I've known them more than a decade, I feel.
Its kinda scary that either I haven't met anyone new that I loved or I haven't really met anyone new... 


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