Pottery 2020

I believe that good poems come out of conversations and when you really feel! During one such conversation with friends today, the following stuff came out...

On how I am forever penniless, and have to borrow money to fund my holidays...

Oh, you cruel Vemu
Making me the gruel Vemu
Hoarding all the money
Never giving me a penny!

Separation of duties, he says
But look at the bills she pays
Yeah, the stocks I make
Can't handle the breads I need to bake!

Oh yes, I am on a roll
Need more for my payroll
On and on, I can wax on
On how I drudge on!

And on how I always underestimate our wealth...

Round and round
I grow and I count
Taking away from my excel
Giving you and you excel!

At this point am saying that real pain gives birth to good poems *please insert a guffaw here*

The anguish and the pain
Along with all this rain
This, the books and cooks don't help
All I can do is yelp!

I had a slighly unpleasant exchange with a co-worker when he mispronounced a colleague's name and I jumped to correct it. Surjei is the word he pronounced.

Surjei and its surgery
Geekness and a little drudgery.
This girl, all she needs is a cook
just one grill and a book!


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