The weekend that was…


Starting from Friday evening, I -

  • visited in-laws who live 30 kms away
  • cooked a complete Telugu/Tulu meal for friends who were coming in for lunch
  • baked a whole lot of items in the evening, some of which fell flat and some of which turned out good
  • watched all the sitcoms (7 of them!) and a movie (Nights in Rodanthe – beautiful but depressing movie, btw)
  • had Neer-dose as an elaborate Sunday breakfast
  • did a small DIY project with an old lantern and some LED lights
  • helped a nephew move into his own room and set it up a bit
  • an evening in Hard Rock Cafe
  • two movies after the evening – Notting Hill and Under the Tuscan Sky

For someone whose idea of a perfect weekend is when she curls up on her couch reading something, and cooking a nice meal for dinner, this is way too much activity.

Sometimes I wonder if I am really a super woman or just a restless person trying to find her Zen… :-|


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